A guide for dental GAPs
GAP / graduated awaiting posting
guide for dental gaps
This article is a collaborative from some diligent graduates, where they combined resources to release this simple guide for all future dental graduates to prepare better for the dental workforce.
This article has two parts:
(1) Dental Registration
(2) Recommendation on GAP life
dental registration
a simple guide from your after-school life to the working world.
after graduation
Complete your undergraduate studies and pass your final exam in a dental institution recognized by Malaysian Dental Council (MDC)/Majlis Pergigian Malaysia (MPM).
Get your full academic transcript and degree certificate.
MDC registration
a.k.a. Malaysian Dental Council registration.
Arrangement with MDC for local universities:
can be done either through university’s registrar/or select a leader from your batch and contact MDC for arrangement.
Separate into few groups of 25-30 people for your batch, and arrange appointment accordingly, or as per the Council’s instructions
Arrangement with MDC from foreign universities:
gather batchmates and contact MDC to arrange for appointment, or as per council’s instructions.
Documents needed are as attached.
Please prepare the documents and have the photocopies certified by government officer with grade 41 or higher (who are not family members nor related to you).
Take note of your MDC registration number/nombor pendaftaran MPM on the day of MDC registration.
Attire: Formal
Venue: Malaysian Dental Council
Time: As per your arrangement with the council
*Important: You will receive your MDC number during this session, and will be briefed about professionalism, dental laws and your dental officer programme. The beginning of your career.
SPA application
a.k.a. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) or Public Service Commission
Before beginning, you are advised to use a computer/ laptop for this application. Please refrain from using mobile devices to ensure all features are available during your application.
Fill in your Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) application via SPA9 website
Please register and follow the user manual as attached.
Things to take note, under the section below,
i) Maklumat Peribadi (Personal Data)
Please fill in your personal details accordingly. Click ‘Simpan’ after you’re done.
Please fill up your PT3/ PMR or equivalent result accordingly. Click ‘Simpan’ after you’re done.
iii) SPM/MCE
Please fill in your SPM results for each subject accordingly.
Do take note that all applicants are required to achieve at least a grade C in the Malay subject for SPM. (please refer to both MDC and SPA for the current compulsory subjects if you have not taken it before)
iv) STPM or Sijil Matrikulasi (Matriculation)
STPM students please fill in your details accordingly.
Only matriculation students need to fill in the matriculation result (according to Surat Pekeliling Bil 3, Tahun 2016).
Applicants who sat for the A-Levels do not need to fill in your results.
v) Pengajian Tinggi (Tertiary Education)
Peringkat kelulusan - Sarjana Muda DLM BDG Professional
Institusi - Your Institute
Pengkhususan - Pergigian
Nama Sijil (follow your given certificate) -
Doctor of Dental Surgery (BM translation: Ijazah Doktor Pergigian)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BM translation: Sarjana Muda dalam Doktor Pergigian)
Biasiswa Pengajian -
Tiada (for non-scholarship holder)
Penerima Biasiswa JPA (for JPA scholarship holder)
vi) Sijil Profesional/Iktisas/SKM (Professional Certificate)
Pick ‘Berdaftar dengan Majlis Pergigian Malaysia’, enter your MDC registration date and MDC/MPM number under ‘No. Keahlian’.
vii) Maklumat Pegawai Sedang Berkhidmat dan Maklumat Bekas Tentera
Click ‘Tidak’ if it is not relevant to you.
viii) Maklumat Bukan Akademik
Fill in your personal talents, participation in sports if any and, languages which you can speak/write.
Fill in your financial assistance/disabilities if any of the dropdowns are relevant to you.
ix) Jawatan Dimohon (Position Application)
Under ‘Jawatan untuk Ijazah’, pick ‘Pegawai Pergigian Gred UG41’.
x) Semakan Maklumat Permohonan (Applicant’s Confirmation)
Double check that you have filled in all details correctly before you click ‘Hantar’ and please save your ‘Slip Pendaftaran’.
xi) Semakan Status Pemohon
Click here to check your application status. Check that the date when you submitted your application is correct.
Once you’re in, the system will appear ‘Lantikan Kontrak’ once, where you are technically being accepted into the upcoming batch.
Wait for D-day of posting selection to be announced (usually Batch 1 in February-March, Batch 2 in June-July, and Batch 3 in September-October).
The selection process
Visit http://eDentist.moh.gov.my/auth/main regularly and note when the pertinent batch’s date opens up.
Once the email comes from SPA (via the email address entered at SPA8i) informing to register, follow the instructions provided to register your account on eDentist.
Do your research and make a list of choices of clinics, refer to http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/database_stores/store_view/7 and respective state & district’s oral health department websites, as well as ask your seniors for more information.
Stay calm and relax. Be ready at your computer/cyber cafe/devices 20 minutes earlier than the given time to prepare yourself mentally and physically.
Once opened, login to eDENTIST and enter some details as required.
First page - personal information (PERIBADI)
Second page - academic qualification (PENDIDIKAN)
Third page - selection of state, then clinic (PENEMPATAN)
Fourth page - confirmation of clinic selection, tick bottom right, click hantar (PENGAKUAN)
Fifth page (Two Scenarios via pop-up) -
//successful scenario: green text box will appear. Save and print all 4 documents as needed
//unsuccessful scenario: red text box appear. Stay calm, click ‘Kembali’ then click ‘Penempatan’ to return to choosing state and clinic page. Continue choosing until you reach the green pop up page.
preparation & PTM
documents preparation to become a NDO (New Dental Officer) and joining PTM (Program Transformasi Minda) a.k.a. first day of work.
Please prepare the documents attached in the link below:
Remember to read through all the details written in the file.
credit to:
Dr Wong Hong Zhang, DDS MAHSA
Documents: Do take note that each state, district, and clinic will be different, some documents need more/less. Hence, be prepared to make more copies
All photocopies do not need to be certified as true copy/Semua salinan dokumen tidak memerlukan pengesahan kakitangan kerajaan
Logbooks are usually provided but some districts require NDOs print your own logbooks; get from here:
Reading materials:
Code of Professional Conduct http://mdc.moh.gov.my/modules/mastop_publish/?tac=Publication
Guidelines endorsed by MDC http://mdc.moh.gov.my/modules/mastop_publish/?tac=Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Program Transformasi Minda (PTM) for New Dental Officers (NDOs)
*Subject to change
Venue: Appropriate venue (hotel) in Klang Valley
Time: ~5 days (could have 6th day depending on organizers)
Objectives: Lectures conducted on duties and government employment, self-motivation and improvements.
Be positive, obey the rules and have fun. This is likely the last time you will ever gather with all your batchmates at the same time. Cherish it.
report to duty
a.k.a. lapor diri, officially a working dentist!
Begins on the first workday after PTM. Certain states have Sundays-Thursdays workdays, most have Mondays-Fridays workdays. Do follow accordingly.
Report first to State Oral Health Department/ Bahagian Pergigian Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri, please check location on Google Maps/Waze. Confirm with seniors if uncertain.
Report time is usually at 8AM, dressed fully formal and arrive early.
Report to District Office. Please confirm with the state officers on the location of each state’s district clinic.
Some states requires you to report to district officer the same day as you report at state’s office, please follow their instruction.
Report to your clinic supervisor/YM after reporting to district. Listen to the clinic’s rule and adhere to them tightly.
You may refer to few links below for more information.