023 | Leong Zi Ming (MAHSA)
“ LOST “
We often talk about dental anxiety, but have we ever talked about the anxieties we have towards our career - dentistry?
From my experience, majority of health care providers are not enthusiastic or passionate about their career. They ventured into this field simply because their grades surpassed the entry requirements, family/social expectations told them so or perhaps the high pay caught their eyes. KA-CHING! Seeing the rise of referrals from private clinics to government hospitals due to the incompetence of our private dentists, I wonder, do we really understand the true meaning of health care? Are we really proud to call ourselves as “health care providers”?
Report shows that Malaysia has a dentist to patient ratio of 1:5100 in 2016 and their target is 1:3000 in 2018. Hence, dental schools in Malaysia are increasing the number of student enrolment. Meanwhile, we have overseas dental graduates waiting to come back home to provide dental services too. With the exponential growth of dentists in the society comes greater competition. Is there a better way to ensure/control the quality of their service provided?
I hate to admit it that I can’t help feeling lost sometimes. How about you, my fellow colleagues?
Name : Leong Zi Ming
University : MAHSA University
Year : 4