
endodontics competition


The Malaysian Dental Students’ Association (MDSA) in conjunction with the National Dental Students Clinical Skills Competition (NDSCSC) 2020 will be conducting a dental quiz in collaboration with Malaysian Endodontic Society (MES) and 3M Oral Care Malaysia. The aim of the competition is to gauge the students’ knowledge in the field of endodontics and cariology. 

The guidelines of the competition are as follows: 

  1. Each university will nominate one student (5th year dental student) to represent the respective university in the competition.  

  2. The competition will be conducted in three rounds: 

Preliminary round 

  • The preliminary round comprises of online quiz of One Best Answer (OBA) conducted in 30 minutes.

  • 7 students with the highest score in the first round will be selected for the second round.

Semi-final round 

  • Round 2 comprises of online quiz of One Best Answer (OBA) conducted in 10 minutes. 

  • The top 4 participants who answer the most questions correctly within 10 minutes will proceed to the final round. 

Final round

  • Final round will be based on a clinical case scenario whereby each student will plan the investigations, derive the diagnosis and formulate the treatment plan in 30 minutes.

  • Each participant will be given the opportunity to present the case to the judges and the winner will be nominated.

3. In the event of a tie, a pop buzzer quiz will be conducted by the organizer. 

4. Details of other rules and regulations will be announced on competition day. 

5. Participation form should be sent to ndscsc.endo@gmail.com and should be completed as instructed.

6. Only complete participation form sent in by 7th March 2020 will be considered.

7. MDSA reserves the right to disqualify any participation if the registration form is incomplete or not up to the required standards. Final decision will be at the discretion of the organizers.

8. Refer to Appendix 1 for the scope of the competition. 

Appendix 1: Scope of competition 

Cariology, Pulpal and Periapical pathology

  • Biology of Dental Pulp

  • Microbiology, Pathology and Pathogenesis of Pulp and Periapical Diseases

  • Diagnostic Aids and Procedures

  • Treatment Selection

  • Materials Related to Caries Management

  • Clinical Management of Dental Caries


  • Tooth and root canal anatomy and morphology 

  • Access cavity and glide path preparation 

  • Cleaning and shaping of the root canal system 

  • Root canal debridement and disinfection 

  • Obturation 

  • Complications in endodontics 


Kindly approach respective university representative to register for the competition.

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